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Сценарий "Золушка" (3 класс)
29.07.2017, 13:37
CINDERELLA (ЗОЛУШКА) Звучит заставка к передаче в гостях у сказки Шут: Dear friends and dear guests! Welcome to the fairy-tale! Would you like to be again Younger, happy and not stressed ? Let the tale come to us Cinderella, Prince and вальс, King and Queen and their guests, Dancing, songs and fancy dress! I (Золушка подметает пол. Золушка начинает петь и танцевать под музыку песни "Вы поверьте, хоть проверьте…" Людмилы Сенчиной ). Ask believe me You can check me But I saw a perfect dream, As if Prince came to my village And his horse was white and clean… Many actors and conductors Get together there, too Bright musicians played sonatas Sun was shining, sky was blue . Cinderella: Oh! It is five o’clock. My sisters are going to the king’s ball tonight. How happy they are! There will be music at the ball. I love music so much! I love to sing and dance but I cannot go the king’s ball. (Входит отец.) Cinderella (обнимает отца): Good morning, Daddy! I love you! Father (гладит Золушку по голове): Good morning, dear! How are you? ) Cinderella (улыбается): Fine, Daddy. And you? (Звучит музыка. Входит мачеха с дочерью.) Stepmother (надменно): We’ll go to the ball today. You, Basil, go away! Cinderella, clean this mess and I want a party dress. Stepsister (прихорашивается перед зеркалом): And I want a dress. Stepmother (бросает на пол вещи): Cinderella! You can’t go to the ball, until you do this all.(дает ей длинный список домашних дел). Stepsister (хихикая): No, you can’t go to the ball, until you do this all! Cinderella, bring me my red dress! Stepmother: Bing me my black dress! Cinderella: Here are your dresses! (Мачеха и сестры уходят переодеваться за ширму (снимают халаты и остаются в нарядных платьях) Stepsister: Where are my shoes? Bring me my white stockings! Stepmother: Where are my gloves, Cinderella? You are a bad girl! (Золушка выносит из-за кулис туфли, колготки и перчатки для мачехи и сестры) Cinderella: Here are your shoes and stockings and your gloves, Mother. (Золушка помогает мачехе и сестре надевать туфли и перчатки) Сестра и мачеха по очереди «крутятся» у зеркала, любуются собой Stepsister: How pretty I am in my new red dress! The prince will dance with me. Звучит песня мачехи на музыку песни Сердючки «Новогодняя» 1.I am a pretty clever woman That is true I have a lazy stupid husband What is more I have no time to cry To the palace I must ride To the ball, to the ball, to the ball 2. At the palace we will dance We will eat And the pretty prince my little daughter meet And how to marry him at noon I will little daughter teach And at last I will become very rich Stepmother: Come on my daughter! We are late. (Мачеха с дочерью уходят.) Cinderella (читает вслух): Clean the house, wash the blouse, make food... Oh, it’s not good.- (плачет). II (Золушка плачет. Звучит музыка. Появляется фея.) Fairy: Why are you crying, dear, why? Please, don’t cry! Cinderella (плачет): I can’t go to the ball, because my dress is very old. Fairy: I can help you. Look at me! Close your eyes. One-two-three!-(взмахивает волшебной палочкой) Cinderella (изумленно смотрит на свое новое красивое платье): I can’t believe this dress is mine! Thank you, fairy, you are so kind. Fairy (грозит Золушке пальцем): But at twelve o’clock you must be here… or your dress will disappear. Cinderella (радостно): Oh, yes, it’s clear. III Под фонограмму дети выносят новые декорации – портреты короля и королевы, ставят вазу с цветами; (Звучит музыка. Начинается бал, выходят король, королева, принц, гости.) Queen (обращается к гостям): The ball is on. Let’s dance and play. King (обращается к гостям): Let’s have a lot of fun today! Звучит музыка. Queen: Why don’t you dance, my son? King: There are so many beautiful ladies here. Prince: I don’t like them. What a beautiful lady! (Появляется Золушка в бальном платье. Все смотрят на нее с восхищением.) Queen (обращается к королю): Look at that girl! King (восхищенно): She’s so nice and slim! Золушка обходит «круг почета», кланяется королю, встает со всеми на общий танец Мальчики массовки с мест говорят свои тексты по очереди (восхищение Золушкой): She is beautiful! Who is she? She is like the red sun! What’s her name? King: She is like a white rose. (Золушка поет песенку под "Встаньте, дети, встаньте в круг…"). Come my friends and dance with me dance with me, dance with me, It is easy, you can see, You can, you can see! Prince: Who is she? Шут: I don’t know her, Prince. (Принц подходит к вазе с цветами, берет цветок, идет к Золушке) Prince: Beautiful lady, may I ask you to dance with me? Cinderella: With great pleasure. (общий танец на балу (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AemZ1bOP_w) (Часы бьют 12.) Cinderella (испуганно): It’s twelve o’clock and I must run. Bye-bye. I had a lot of fun (Убегает, теряя одну туфельку)! Prince: Oh, don’t go away! Come back! Come back! Песня принца под музыку песни группы «Рондо» «Я буду помнить» 1. I will remember only those blue eyes of her I will believe only in her clean pure tears When you departed from the ball And left me one silver slipper My heart was broken into many tiny parts 2. I will remember only her soft voice again It will cure my heart like a little fresh forest stream I can’t forget your tender smile When we were dancing in the palace I don’t know who can help me find you now 3. And when I find you pretty girl I will see the lost paradise I will hear all merry spring birds I’ll take the colours I’ll take a canvas I’ll pour some wine and say a toast And there’ll be no man as happy as I IV (Возвращение сестер домой) Входят сердитые мачеха и сестры Cinderella: Please tell me about the ball. Stepmother: A princess came to the ball. Cinderella: Was she beautiful? Stepsister: I didn’t like her. Cinderella: Who is she? What’s her name? Stepsister: Nobody knows her. Stepmother: And at twelve o’clock she run away and lost her slipper. Stepsister: Who’s there? (Фанфары. Выходят глашатаи с туфелькой) V (Утро. Звучит музыка. Приехали принц со стражей. Мачеха с дочерью встречают гостей. Золушка накрывает на стол.) Глашатай 1: In the Kings name let us in! Глашатай 2:Good evening, ladies! Stepmother: Good evening! Глашатай 1:Please try it on, madam. Золушка выносит стул, встает за спинами сестер Prince (обращается к мачехе и дочери): We know you were at the ball. Try on this shoe. Stepsister (раздраженно): Oh, it’s very small! Prince (заметив Золушку): But who is that girl? Come here, please! Try on this shoe, pretty Miss! Stepmother (возмущенно): But she didn’t go to the ball! Глашатай 1: The King said that all the girls in the country must try on this slipper. Глашатай 2: The prince begs you to marry him, beautiful lady. Stepmother: What? She – to marry the prince! She is going to live in the beautiful palace! Stepsister: Our Cinderella, this dirty girl! Father (принцу): Give her the shoe! Her foot is small. Prince (встает на одно колено перед Золушкой): I’m happy that I’ve found you! I love you, and I’d like to marry you. Cinderella (радостно): Oh, yes, my Prince, I love you too. Father: Best wishes to you, my dear. I know, you weren’t happy here. Excuse me, too. But what could I do? Песня отца под музыку песни «Аллилуйя» https://go.mail.ru/search_video?frc=811632&gp=811632&q=%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BD%D1%8F%20%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%83%D0%B9%D1%8F%20%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%8E%D1%82%20%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8&frm=ws_p&d=778035079&sig=5edb8ba8c3&s=Youtube 1. I beg your pardon for my deeds For all bad words and books you read I loved you so, as no one could do it But I was afraid of my angry wife And I always did what she told me at night And I could not defend my favourite little daughter Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella 2. I’m so happy for your wedding Because your prince is always ready To help you and to love you as we could not But you must promise you will leave But not forget your dear dad And you will visit me as soon as possible Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella, Cinderella Cinderella. I’m so happy today. Don’t cry. I forgive all of you. Good-bye! На сцену выходят Золушка с принцем в сопровождении придворных дам и кавалеров. С другой стороны сцены выходит король. Все встают и поют заключительную песню на мотив «We wish you a merry Christmas…» (Звучит музыка. Все персонажи сказки выходят на поклон.) We wish you a merry wedding We wish you a merry wedding We wish you a merry wedding And long happy life! Let’s all do a little clapping Let’s all do a little clapping Let’s all do a little clapping And spread happy cheer! Шут: Our tale has come to the end The Cinderella to the palace went All will be good in her future life Because she is kind and very light She’ll take her father to the palace too There will be children one or two The tale is a fiction but it emphasize Be kind and helpful and your life will be wise Thank you for coming our dear friends We will be happy to see you next time again
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